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Please note that Ragno is still under development. You can find here my plan so you can understand at which point of time I am in. The following symbols are used: ⚪: Planned, not started 🔵: In progress 🟢: Completed


🔵Documentation about the architecture, the domain and eventsourcing
🟡Creation of the service that will handle the domains and send events
🟡Creation of the service that will listen to the domain changes and will react accordingly
🔵Creation of the front-end application that will allow easy editing
🟡Provide a public url for everyone to enjoy Ragno!


When thinking about the architecture, I focused primarily on extensibility and ease of maintainability. The approach that I've always wanted to try out, eventsourcing, promises a completely decoupled architecture that is easy to extend with components, so I thought to give this a try.

Ragno's Domains

Ragno's Domains

The first thing to do when thinking about event-driven architectures is understanding the domain of the system and the various components. This page will explain the domains that we can find in Ragno, what are the aggregates, the events, etc.